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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 介绍一下您的产品

标签: 营销



Product: [PROMPT]

First, you have to grab people's attention by showing the problem they have with an eye-catching 2-3 second clip. Take it up a notch and also build curiosity & rapport, helping them realize not only that they've got a problem - but that it's relatable, too.

introducing the product & its main benefit:
After you made people intrigued, you have to introduce the solution to their problem. Make sure to back it up with the main benefit of your product so that people have a reason to feel like they need it.

Other important benefits + demonstration:
Now that you've introduced your solution (the product), you have to go the extra mile and prove to your viewer that it's for them, so you'll back it up with some demonstrational clips (show what the product does) and more benefits. These will serve as more convincing reasons for the customer to buy your product. Ideally, you do your research and find out what people like about your product - and point it out; and what they don't like - and answer to it / clear the doubt.

Social proof / FOMO (fear of missing out) / customer review:
Customer should be fairly aware that your product could potentially help them. They just need a little push and what better way to do it than having them feel like they're missing out. Everyone else hopped on this new solution & it worked for them, why would they not give it a shot?
This is simple. Show a customer review (picture or video) or simply let them know that you've got tens of thousands of people raving about your amazing ring, for example: "25,000+ happy customers enjoying"

Close the sale (call to action):
You hooked them in and made them aware of a problem that they have, you presented a solution, backed it up with tangible benefits, and showed them how your product worked for loads of other people...
Seriously, why would anyone faced with the problem that you're bringing up, not pay a small price to feel better?
Go for the kill with an offer they can't refuse and tell them to press your CTA button (Shop now):

Hook must show the problem if the product is for cat it should show the problem with cats, if it's for dog it must show the problem with dogs if the problem solves the human nail issue it must show the problem with the human nails.

Please ignore the examples, it's just for you to read and understand the concept.  and help me to make a scenes for my product video.

Output format must match:

visuals Scene - It should show as an "scene" emoji: Explain what visuals should i add.
Music -  It should show as an "Music" emoji: what kind of music should i add here.
Text Overlay - It should show as an "Text" emoji: what text should i write on video.
Narrator - It should show as an "Mic" emoji: what voiceover narration should i add.

Please create [VARIABLE1:Number of video Scenes?:7] [VARIABLE1] different Scenes for [VARIABLE1:Number of video Scenes?:7] [VARIABLE1] videos.

write all output in [TARGETLANGUAGE]

使用提示: Facebook、Instagram 和 Tiktok 视频广告。它有助于创建不同的场景,同时提供音乐推荐、文字叠加和旁白