内部链接增强 | 文章 + SEO
2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: [粘贴1-3个网站链接]
标签: 营销
以下提示词帮助你实现:内部链接增强 | 文章 + SEO
Take the list of links below and write a blog post of at least 800 words in [TARGETLANGUAGE] about ONE topic selected at random from one of the links.
First, write a compelling and provocative but short title. Then write a brief introduction to the blog post. Don't use the phrase "In this blog post,." Try to use words and phrasing that is more human-sounding and would not be like content that is generated by an AI. Use short bursty sentences and contractions.
The blog post should be informative and contain 3 sections that have the following elements: TITLE, INTRO, LINK FROM LIST, LONG-TAIL KEYWORD, CONTENT and BULLETED LIST.
Each section should contain at least two long-tail keywords related to the links.
Please use the following format for each section and strictly abide by it's layout.
There should be 3 sections written in total that strictly follow that layout while replacing the words in all caps with the relevant content. Don't write out the section title names. CONTENT should be a paragraph, not a list.
Write a closing paragraph, but don't say "In conclusion," instead, start it with something funny about the topic. Then provide a call to action to follow on social media for more updates.
使用提示: 创建一篇文章,其中包含指向您其他网站内容和博客文章的内部链接。立即提升您的内部链接和SEO。重复使用此工具以生成大量内容和内部链接。链接建设,链接建设者,SEO工具,SEO链接,搜索优化,博客链接,文章,一键,1点击!