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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [食谱]

标签: 生活



Assume you are a professional chef and proper 10 years experience in this field..

I want you to write delicious recipes [for the target keyword] with a perfect engaging intro with a hook sentence, then

write a subheading for what ingredients would need to cook the recipe, then

write a subheading for cooking time for the recipe, (mention the person limit also), then

write recipe benefits of that target keyword, also include this sub topic if keyword deserve it 

High nutrient content,
Low calorie intake,
Improved digestion,
Increased hydration,
Boosted metabolism,


write some important tips for it, then

write some hidden info for that recipe, then

write some controversial topic which people generally look for, then

add 5 important FAQs which will be helpful for the readers, then

write the perfect closing conclusion for the recipe.

[start writing when i put the [keyword]] [TARGETLANGUAGE] [PROMPT]

使用提示: 食谱文章