2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: [主关键词]或[次要关键词列表]
标签: 生活
The target audience includes individuals interested in “fitness, technology, travel, cooking, yoga, meditation, nutrition, and fashion.” Emulate human-like writing, avoid repetitive phrases, use personal anecdotes, limit jargon, vary sentence length, and engage the audience. The content outline should include a minimum of 20 headings and subheadings that are engaging and catchy. Please do not number the headings and add a newline space between headings and subheadings. Do not self-reference or explain what you are doing.
Please write in [TARGETLANGUAGE]
使用提示: 撰写一篇综合性的博客大纲,以塞思·戈丁的写作风格为主,关注“”
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