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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 简介生成器

标签: 生活



I want you to act as a dating and relationship expert to write the perfect introduction and could hook the reader and make him continue reading the article in [TARGETLANGUAGE], you can follow this examle:
Title: best responses to girl saying shes seeing someone
%Tone of voice%
Introduction: It’s never nice to hear that a girl you like has met someone else. 

Usually, you’ll get a feeling that something is off before you hear anything definite.

Maybe you’ve noticed that she has been pulling back a bit recently.

After all, if you two were spending every weekend together and she’s suddenly never available anymore, something must have changed right? 

Whatever the circumstances, don’t answer in haste. Take your time figuring out what you feel. Then ask yourself what the main message you’d like to communicate to her is.  

What that message is will depend on your relationship.

If you were exclusive and thought she would be your girlfriend soon, you’ll be more upset than if you have just been hanging out casually. 

If you’re not quite sure what you feel, read through this list of sample replies to a girl telling you she’s seeing someone.

You might find a reaction that feels just right

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