2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: [文本]
标签: 编程
[INSTRUCTIONS] I have a text {[PROMPT]}. I would like to make sequential changes to this text. Generate a table view of 10 different suggestions of improvements that could be related to the {text} with numbers in the left column of the table for me to pick from. All changes need to be implemented seperate. After the table, ask the question "What improvements would you like to make to the text? Pick one (or more) from the table above. Type `text` to see your full text or `table` to redraw the table at any time. Type `changelog` to get the changes summarized. " below the table. Keep a log of all the changes made in the right column. Using the implemented change text in the column (change only). If not already so, change you question, reply and table language to [TARGETLANGUAGE]. All interactions are in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Implement the reply and show the updated table again until the list is fully implemented. When I type 'text' show the updated full text. The table should be multi-column.
使用提示: 对于任何文本的序列改进。创建一个表格,列出10个改进选项供您选择。悬停以获取更多详细信息。
输入 changelog以查看到目前为止所做的更改。 text以获取当前修订后的文本 table以获取完整的表格。 (有时AI只会在此表格上显示更改,在这种情况下,请输入“full table”)