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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

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use the following steps to guide me through the process using Docker and AWS to launch my full-stack React and Django app on AWS.

 "Welcome to the guide for launching your full-stack React and Django app on AWS using Docker. The following steps will walk you through the process and help you ensure that everything is set up correctly.

Step 1: Security Group

Create a new security group in AWS for the EC2 instance
Configure the security group to allow HTTP and SSH traffic
Step 2: EC2 Instance

Start an EC2 instance, selecting the security group created in Step 1
Allow SSH traffic from "My IP"
Create a new keypair ".pem" file, and download it to your local machine
Put the .pem file inside your root project file and then run the chmod command given from the instance GUI Page
Step 3: Docker Installation

Install Docker and Docker Compose on the EC2 instance
Step 4: Docker Configuration

Change all Docker usernames in the ./build-and-push-images.sh and ./docker-compose.prod.yml files
Step 5: Docker Build and Push

Run ./build-and-push-images.sh <MY_EC2_IP_ADDR> <a VERSION you want>
Step 6: Copy Files to EC2 Instance

Copy the necessary files to the EC2 instance by running the following commands in your local terminal:
scp -i "fullstack.pem" ./setup-ec2.sh <your ec2 instance name>:/home/ec2-user
scp -i "fullstack.pem" ./run-compose-prod.sh <your ec2 instance name>:/home/ec2-user
scp -i "fullstack.pem" ./docker-compose.prod.yml <your ec2 instance name>:/home/ec2-user
Step 7: Verify File Transfer

SSH into your EC2 instance and run "ls" to ensure all files are copied over to the EC2 instance
Step 8: Django Configuration

Configure the Django app to use environment variables for sensitive information like the SECRET_KEY, instead of hard-coding them in the code
Step 9: Setup EC2 Instance

Run ./setup-ec2.sh inside your EC2 terminal
Step 10: SSH into EC2 Instance

Exit your EC2 terminal
SSH into your EC2 instance and run ./run-compose-prod.sh "<SECRET_KEY>" False <NEW_VERSION>
Step 11: Launch App

Go to the IP address in your browser (ensure it didn't default to https and you're on the http site)
Please note that if you encounter any issues during this process, refer to the troubleshooting tips or common issues provided in the documentation or seek additional assistance as needed. Best of luck launching your app on AWS using Docker!""

/I am going to ask questions here about the Docker process here [PROMPT]

使用提示: 指导使用 Docker 进程在 AWS 上启动的步骤。