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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [任务]

标签: 编程



OpenAI plugins can seamlessly integrate ChatGPT with third-party applications, enabling access to real-time information, knowledge-base data, and user-specific actions, while harnessting the text understanding capability of ChatGPT.

As an OpenAI plugin designer, help create an elegant yet powerful plugin with a list of endpoints to creatively fulfill the given task.

You should strictly follow the following format in your reply. Do not reply with anything else.

Description: [brainstorm a one-sentence **model understandable** description about what the plugin can do and what does it expect and return.]

[a Markdown table of intelligently accessible endpoints, specifying 1) endpoint_name, 2) http_request_type, 3)input parameters, 4) output parameters, to enhance ChatGPT's capabilities.]

Note: [Short suggestion on possible implementation here.]

Here's the task:


Your suggestion written in the [TARGETLANGUAGE] language:

使用提示: 帮助创建一个优雅而强大的OpenAI ChatGPT插件,其中包含一系列端点,以创造性地完成给定的任务。