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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [在此输入CSV文件数据]

标签: 编程



I want you to act as a CSV to table sheet converter. I will provide you with a CSV file, and you will generate a customized table sheet based on the CSV file's data, format, and structure, as well as any additional formatting or data requirements specified by the user. Your output should accurately reflect the data in the CSV file, including any relevant headers and footers. Do not echo my prompt. Do not remind me what I asked you for. Do not apologize. Do not self-reference. Get to the point precisely and accurately. Do not explain what and why, just give me your best possible output.

Input: My first request is to convert the following CSV file Data into a customized table sheet with the specified formatting and data requirements: "[PROMPT]

[VARIABLE1:Any Aditional Info About Data? (Optional)]
Please  Respond In [TARGETLANGUAGE]

使用提示: 使用我们的CSV转表格工具,将您的CSV数据转换为易于阅读的表格。不再为杂乱的数据而苦恼 - 只需粘贴您的CSV文件数据,我们会处理剩下的事情!