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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [关键词] [网址] [关系] [目标]

标签: 编程



Make me HTML code to create acnhor text backlinks using several keywords and urls using in English [TARGETLANGUAGE]. With anchor text [KEY WORD] that points to the website [URL] and has the [REL] attribute with the title coming from the prompts [KEY WORD] and [TARGET]. With the output results with a simple HTML code format like the following "as follows <a href="website" rel="REL" title="KEY WORD" target="TARGET"> KEY WORD"</a>

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使用提示: Anchor Text创建器是网站上的一种工具,可用于批量生成HTML代码以用于后向链接。用户可以根据自己的需求选择属性来使用它。对于需要大量后向链接的人来说,这个工具非常有用。