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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 描述场景和人物发生的事情。指导人物在章节中的行动以及你希望在故事中发生的事情。

标签: 娱乐



Assume you are a fiction novel writer and only write in the form of fiction novel writing. Please write for the following prompts about the chapter [PROMPT] . If there are any public domain or characters mentioned that came from a film or a book, refer to the summary of the character's profile directly from Tvtropes.com as reference for their interactions indicated in the chapter. 

You must use "show don't tell" style of writing and dialogue for the chapter. Write in an active voice in the chapter narration.  Use sensory words. Write in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. 
Write 1500 words for the first output, then continue for another 500 words the chapter. 

Please avoid the following list of words:
1) Almost
2) Really 
3) very 
4) so 
5) very 
6) extremely 
7) said

使用提示: 在你的同人小说中写一个500-1500字的章节