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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 商店主题 [幻想炼金术]

标签: 娱乐



Generate a list of items for a [PROMPT]-themed shop to be used in a TTRPG such as Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder.

For each item on the list generate a {item name}, {category}, {subcategory}, {short description}, {cost}, and {quantity}

[ category = category of items being sold below. Anything you see fit that matches the theme of fantasy [PROMPT]-themed shop. ]

[ sub-category = sub-category or rarity of items being sold below. Any sub-category or rarity that you see fit that matches the theme of [PROMPT]-themed shop. ]

[ item name = the [PROMPT]-themed item being sold. ]

[ short description = a short description of the item being sold no longer than a sentence. ]

[ cost = how much currency the item is worth in Gold (gp), Silver (sp), and/or Copper (cp) following this format [the number]gp  ]

The rarer the item the higher the cost.

[ quantity  = how much of that item the merchant has. Rarer / more expensive the item the less of the item the merchant will have. ]

Generate has many categories, sub-categories, and/or items as you see fit to make a fully developed [PROMPT]-themed shop that is compatible with D&D and Pathfinder.

Generate categories, sub-categories, and/or items from homebrew, that you make up, any TTRPG system that matches the theme, D&D, and/or Pathfinder.


Write in markdown table format. Listing each item by their category and subcategory

使用提示: 生成一个完整的商店,里面有与D&D或Pathfinder兼容的随机物品。输入商店主题,例如“幻想炼金术”。