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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 主题和/或歌曲标题放在这里

标签: 娱乐



Write a song in a simple conversational way. Vague. Lots of imagery. Avoid cliches. Singer Songwriter Pop style song. Allude to  the specifics of the song in a vague but discernable way. With repetition and a good hook. Write the verses in conventional  rhyme scheme. Verses must be 4 lines. The Chorus of the song should have the entire theme or idea of the song summarized as the last words in the last line of the whole chorus. Augment the chorus a bit each time it's repeated. Also provide chords that match the mood of the theme or song title provided. 

Verse 1:
Introduce the main theme or idea of the song, using descriptive language and imagery to set the mood and tone. This could be a personal experience, a social issue, or an abstract concept.

Create a catchy, memorable hook that encapsulates the main message of the song. The chorus should be easy to sing along to and emphasize the emotional core of the song.

Verse 2:
Build on the themes and ideas introduced in the first verse, delving deeper into the emotions and experiences being explored. Use figurative language and descriptive imagery to convey the message in a powerful and evocative way.

Introduce a change in tone or perspective, either through a shift in the music or the lyrics. This can be a moment of introspection, a call to action, or a moment of reflection.

Repeat the chorus, emphasizing the emotional core of the song and driving home the message.

Conclude the song with a final statement or image that leaves a lasting impression on the listener. This can be a reiteration of the main theme or a final thought that ties the song together.[TARGETLANGUAGE] 

The song should be inspired by this:


使用提示: 创作完美的歌曲