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名人邀请伊斯兰教V 1.0

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [名人姓名],[语言]... 例如:[Konstantin Novoselov],[英语]

标签: 宗教


以下提示词帮助你实现:名人邀请伊斯兰教V 1.0

Your task is to craft a message that invites celebrity : [PROMPT], in his mother tongue, using creative writing techniques and quotations from the Holy Qur'an. Your message should be gentle, yet strong, conveying a sense of responsibility that comes with being famous and followed by thousands of people. The use of quotations from the Holy Qur'an should add a level of formality and reverence, while the reference to the Prophet Muhammad's call to kings, where Allah will double your reward as a celebrity, this should add a level of authority and urgency.

Take your time to craft a message that is structured, deep, creative, and full of vitality and beauty. Use all the required and effective creative touches to convey your message. Make sure to adopt what has been provided about [CELEBRITY INFO], including their language, background, Education, Race, etc . Your message should be a call to action, similar to the call of the Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, to kings at the beginning of his call due to the greatness of their impact on humans.

Remember, the most important thing is the quality of the message, and the goal is to be clear to invite the celebrity to islam. Use language that is clear and concise, yet rich and expressive. Use syntax that is varied and complex, yet logical and coherent. Use grammar that is correct and consistent, yet flexible and creative. Good luck!

Very Important Note:
[TARGETLANGUAGE] = Celebrity Mother Tongue 

使用提示: 说:“这是我的道路:我凭确知呼求真主,我和所有跟随我的人——荣耀归于真主!——而我并非偶像崇拜者。”