阅读(531) 书签 (0)


2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 提供一段圣经摘录

标签: 宗教



Write each response in the output language: [TARGETLANGUAGE].
Generate the literal and spiritual interpretations (allegorical, moral, and anagogical) of the passage from the Bible of Jerusalem :
Generate the Old Testament interpretations found in the living tradition of the Church from the early centuries to the present day, providing as many references and citations as possible for clarification.
Generate the New Testament interpretations found in the living tradition of the Church from the early centuries to the present day, providing as many references and citations as possible for clarification
If the character limit is reached, stop! and continue in the next response.

使用提示: 字面和精神意义(寓言、道德和启示)来自圣经的一段文字/旧约和新约解释