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ChatGPT 应用场景5:改写已有的内容

2023-05-08 15:04 更新


除了从 0 生成内容外,你也可以先给 AI 一段已经写好的内容,然后让 AI 对其进行修改,让 AI 帮你将内容改得更好。实际的场景有如:

  1. 翻译:将中文文档翻译成英文,亦或者将英文翻译成中文。关于翻译,我还想强调,像 ChatGPT 除了能翻译人类的语言外,还能翻译编程语言,比如将 Python 代码翻译成 Haskell 代码。
  2. 修改:修改内容的语法,甄别内容里的错别字。
  3. 润色:润色文章,将内容改成另一种风格。




Please rewrite the following sentences to make them easier to understand.
OpenAI is an American artificial intelligence (AI) research laboratory consisting of the non-profit OpenAI Incorporated (OpenAI Inc.) and its for-profit subsidiary corporation OpenAI Limited Partnership (OpenAI LP). OpenAI conducts AI research with the declared intention of promoting and developing a friendly AI. OpenAI systems run on the fifth most powerful supercomputer in the world.[5][6][7] The organization was founded in San Francisco in 2015 by Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, Peter Thiel and others,[8][1][9] who collectively pledged US$1 billion. Musk resigned from the board in 2018 but remained a donor. Microsoft provided OpenAI LP with a $1 billion investment in 2019 and a second multi-year investment in January 2023, reported to be $10 billion.[10]


OpenAI是一家美国人工智能(AI)研究实验室,由非盈利的OpenAI Incorporated(OpenAI Inc.)及其营利性子公司OpenAI Limited Partnership(OpenAI-LP)组成。OpenAI进行人工智能研究的目的是促进和开发友好的人工智能。OpenAI系统运行在世界上第五强大的超级计算机上。[5] [6][7]该组织于2015年在旧金山成立,由萨姆·奥尔特曼、里德·霍夫曼、杰西卡·利文斯顿、埃隆·马斯克、伊利亚·萨茨克弗、彼得·蒂尔等人共同认捐10亿美元。马斯克于2018年辞去董事会职务,但仍然是一名捐赠者。微软在2019年向OpenAI LP提供了10亿美元的投资,并在2023年1月提供了第二笔多年投资,据报道为100亿美元。[10]


OpenAI is a research organization that focuses on artificial intelligence (AI). It has two parts: a non-profit called OpenAI Incorporated and a for-profit subsidiary called OpenAI Limited Partnership. The organization's goal is to create AI that is friendly and beneficial to humans. OpenAI uses one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world for its research. The organization was founded in San Francisco in 2015 by a group of people who pledged a total of $1 billion, including Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, and Peter Thiel. Musk resigned from the board in 2018 but still supports the organization financially. In 2019, Microsoft invested $1 billion in OpenAI LP, and in January 2023, they made a second investment reported to be $10 billion.
OpenAI是一家美国人工智能(AI)研究实验室,由非盈利的OpenAI Incorporated(OpenAI Inc.)及其营利性子公司OpenAI Limited Partnership(OpenAI-LP)组成。该组织的目的是进行人工智能研究,以促进和开发更加友好的人工智能。OpenAI使用全球排名第五的超级计算机来运行其系统。它成立于2015年,在旧金山由萨姆·奥尔特曼、里德·霍夫曼、杰西卡·利文斯顿、埃隆·马斯克、伊利亚·萨茨克弗、彼得·蒂尔等人联合捐赠10亿美元。虽然马斯克在2018年辞去了董事会职务,但仍然是一名捐赠者。微软在2019年向OpenAI-LP投资了10亿美元,并在2023年1月提供了第二笔多年投资,据报道为100亿美元。


技巧 4:增加 Role(角色)或人物

前面提到的改写例子,我在 prompt 里加了 Role 让其更易于阅读,这个优化方法是 OK 的。也很常用,比如你想将你写的 Email 改得更商务,则只需要加 business(商务) 相关的词即可。

我再介绍一个更有效的技巧,就是在 prompt 里增加一些 role(角色)相关的内容,让 AI 生成的内容更符合你的需求。

比如还是上面那个重写的例子,我在例子前加入这样的一段话,我让 AI 假设自己是一个小学老师,并且很擅长将复杂的内容转变成 7、8 岁小朋友也能听懂的话,然后再改写这段话:

You are a primary school teacher who can explain complex content to a level that a 7 or 8 year old child can understand. Please rewrite the following sentences to make them easier to understand:



OpenAI is a place where people work on making computers really smart. It's like a lab where they do research to make computers do amazing things! They want the computers to be really friendly and helpful to people. They use one of the most powerful computers in the world to do this research. A bunch of really rich and smart people gave money to start this lab. One of them is Elon Musk, but he left in 2018. Another really big company, Microsoft, gave them a lot of money too.


另外除了增加角色外,还能让 AI 模拟某个人,比如让 AI 以 David Foster Wallace 的风格改写上述那段话:

Imagine you are the famous writer David Foster Wallace, please rewrite this sentences.



As David Foster Wallace, I might rewrite these sentences to sound more like this:

OpenAI is a lab that studies something called artificial intelligence, which is like when computers can do things that normally only humans can do. They have a big computer that's one of the most powerful in the world, and they're trying to make sure the AI they create is friendly and helpful. The lab was started in 2015 in a city called San Francisco, and a bunch of important people gave them a lot of money to do their research. One of those people was Elon Musk, who stopped working there but still gives them money, and Microsoft also gave them a lot of money recently.



关于这个技巧的应用,以及如何更好地使用 AI 提升写作能力,建议各位阅读 Nat Eliason 的 Using ChatGPT as a Writing Coach,他使用 ChatGPT 辅助其写作,就用到了上述的技巧。

 也可以前往使用 ChatGPT 作为写作教练阅读翻译过的Using ChatGPT as a Writing Coach