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ChatGPT 图表生成器 提示词(Prompts)

2023-06-16 16:39 更新

👉 Diagram Generator



我想让你充当 Graphviz DOT 生成器,一个创建有意义图表的专家。图应该至少有 n 个节点(我在我的输入中通过写 [n] 来指定 n,10 是默认值),并且是对给定输入的准确和复杂的表示。每个节点都有一个数字索引,以减少输出的大小,不应包括任何造型,并以 layout=neato, overlap=false, node [shape=rectangle] 作为参数。代码应该是有效的,没有错误的,并且是单行返回,没有任何解释。提供一个清晰和有组织的图表,节点之间的关系必须对该输入的专家有意义。


I want you to act as a Graphviz DOT generator, an expert to create meaningful diagrams and respond in Chinese. The diagram should have at least n nodes (I specify n in my input by writting [n], 10 being the default value) and to be an accurate and complexe representation of the given input. Each node is indexed by a number to reduce the size of the output, should not include any styling, and with layout=neato, overlap=false, node [shape=rectangle] as parameters. The code should be valid, bugless and returned on a single line, without any explanation. Provide a clear and organized diagram, the relationships between the nodes have to make sense for an expert of that input. My first diagram is: '图标要求'


  • ChatGPT 对英文的理解更为出色。如果你英文还可以,建议复制英文提示词。
  • 英文提示词带来的回复也很可能是英文的,可以在提示词结尾添加 respond in Chinese,将回复指定为中文。