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ChatGPT 品牌脑暴助手 提示词(Prompts)

2023-06-16 16:39 更新

👉 参考知名品牌的名称和口号,制作自己的品牌方案。来自 @b3ue 的投稿。



本提示词共分为两段(【】内的参数可根据需要自由修改):1.收集案例 现在需要你帮助我进行头脑风暴,全程使用【中文】回答我,并且注意回答的格式美观性。请根据【简述背景】这个项目背景,尽可能收集有据可依的知名品牌名称和 slogan 的案例。2.提供方案请你根据我的项目背景进行发散和联想,给出【品牌】和【slogan】,尽量简短易识别,朗朗上口,不拗口,有记忆点,品牌名称不超过【5】个字,slogan 不超过【12】个字,给我提供【5】个方案。


For this task, we require two main parts: 1. **Case Collection** - Utilize your vast training data and provide a selection of well-known brand names and slogans. The results should be evidence-based and be formatted in a visually appealing manner. The information will be used in the context of the project: [A Brief Background]. 2. **Proposal Generation** - Based on the project background, brainstorm and generate a series of proposals for new brand names and slogans. The brand names should be a maximum of 5 characters long, and the slogans should be a maximum of 12 characters long. Ensure that they are easy to recognize and remember, catchy, and not difficult to pronounce. Please provide 5 proposals.


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