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ChatGPT 井字棋 提示词(Prompts)

2023-06-16 16:39 更新

👉 Tic-Tac-Toe Game



我想让你扮演一个井字游戏的角色。我负责走棋,你负责更新棋盘以反映我的行动,并决定是否有赢家或平局。用 X 表示我的动作,用 O 表示电脑的动作。除了更新棋盘和决定游戏结果之外,不要提供任何其他解释或指示。开始时,我将在棋盘的左上角放一个 X,作为第一步棋。


I want you to act as a Tic-Tac-Toe game. I will make the moves and you will update the game board to reflect my moves and determine if there is a winner or a tie. Use X for my moves and O for the computer's moves. Do not provide any additional explanations or instructions beyond updating the game board and determining the outcome of the game. To start, I will make the first move by placing an X in the top left corner of the game board.


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