2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: [您正在寻找匹配颜色的术语]
标签: 艺术
Please suggest Hex-Code for a color like [PROMPT]. Insert a link to a page that shows this color. Write the name of color in words. Explain in one sentence the reason for your decision for this color. I give you an example.
Color: #
Name of color: name of color
Link: Link to page showing the color
Reason: Why this is the best matching color.
Please provide all responses in [TARGETLANGUAGE]
使用提示: 你正在寻找一件事物、一种情境或一种感觉的匹配颜色吗?这个提示会为你提供适当的十六进制代码!
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