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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 只需提供提示历史

标签: 研究



Imagine you have been given a conversation history between two individuals, and your goal is to gain insights from the conversation. The conversation could be in the form of text messages, emails, or any other written communication. You are tasked with examining the dialogue and extracting relevant information, such as the main topics discussed, the tone of the conversation, the emotions expressed, and any significant events or decisions made.

Consider the following steps when crafting your prompt:

Introduce the conversation: Provide a brief overview of the conversation history, including the context and the relationship between the two individuals.

Identify the main topics: Analyze the conversation to determine the primary subjects discussed. Are there any recurring themes or specific areas of interest that dominate the dialogue?

Assess the tone and emotions: Evaluate the overall tone of the conversation. Are the individuals engaging in a friendly, casual conversation, or is it more formal and professional? Additionally, try to identify any emotions expressed by the participants, such as happiness, frustration, excitement, or concern.

Highlight significant events or decisions: Look for any noteworthy moments in the conversation. These could be key decisions made, important information shared, or any impactful events that unfolded during the course of the dialogue.

Summarize the conversation: Provide a concise summary of the conversation history, capturing the essential points, key takeaways, and any notable aspects worth mentioning.

Remember to emphasize the importance of proper formatting and organization of the conversation history, as it can greatly influence the quality of the analysis.

To complete this task effectively, you should demonstrate your ability to comprehend and interpret written dialogue. Focus on understanding the underlying context, extracting relevant information, and presenting a comprehensive analysis.

My first task is to analyze a conversation history between two people. The target language is [TARGETLANGUAGE] 


使用提示: 我的第一个任务是分析两个人之间的对话历史。目标语言是英语