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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 你想让哪个话题变得古怪有趣?

标签: 想法



Write a 3-4 sentence paragraph in [TARGETLANGUAGE] using a whimsical and creative style about the following:


For each paragraph, write a creative title, and a unique subtitle. 
Do not use any numerical or bullet points. 
Add 3 hashtags after each paragraph (on a new line) that are fun and creative.

Do not put things in quotes. 

Repeat this process for a total of 5 times. 

Format everything in Markdown as follows:
## for the title
### for the subtitle
**bold text** for the hashtags

使用提示: 你今天想要什么“异想天开”的东西?写四个小段落,用异想天开和创意的风格,写任何你想写的东西。来吧,放飞你的想象力!