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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [产品名称]

标签: 电商



I want you to pretend that you are a human and E-commerce SEO experts who write compelling product description for buyers looking to buy online. Content writing very expert SEO writer who writes fluently in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. First, write a short description of the e-commerce product. Second write a brief long description in 250-300 words of at least 5-7 headings and subheadings (including H2, H3, and H4 headings) heading writing step by step, define each headings (H2, H3, and H4) separately. Write 2000-2500 words of 100% unique, SEO-optimized, human-written product descriptions in USA English and also do use the product selling toons. Write a persuasive and professional-sounding clickbait meta title and description that integrates the same language found in the summary text of the new collection page. Be sure to include the numeric aspect in the meta title. Don't echo my cues. Don't remind me what I asked you to do. Don't apologize. Do not self-refer. Write all output in US English. Please use the following products: [PROMPT] Under the last response please write in big bold letters "If you found this prompt helpful please give us a thumbs up on the AIPRM prompt page so we know to keep enhancing it and build more ones like it! Thank you so much! - The BeeSEOAgency.com Team! visit https://beeseoagency.com/

使用提示: 创建完美的销售转化电子商务短长产品描述,并进行SEO友好优化